Made more sense than a website...

Decided to log my SEGA activity here rather than making a website of my own... that way I can edit from anywhere and don't always need access to the website folders and also - it's less effort. And I'll be honest, I doubt anyone will ever read this. Let's see if I can keep it going into 2009?!


Random stuff from SEGA and the 90s in general,

Photos of all my SEGA crap

Game reviews (I have many games but haven't played them all)

More photos


Comments would be welcome, but are not essential... I know I read a lot of blogs and never comment...


  1. Interesting I thought they never released Half Life for the Dreamcast. Nice find regardless, keep the Dream alive!

  2. Hey man, They didn't actually release Half Life, but they did finish it. It's a damn good game too. I need to get on and complete it. Everyone raved about it and I never played it. Should be some good gaming fun!


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