Katana [Dreamcast]

I'm currently doing a little mod on my Dreamcast (more to follow), and came across something rather interesting...

Nothing particularly interesting there, you think? Look closer...

"katana" inscribed on the motherboard. 

The katana was the Japanese version of the Dreamcast prototype. There were two basically, the SEGA USA "Dural" and the SEGA Japan "Katana". Eventually, SEGA went with the Japanese one, though both were pretty similar. It's a shame the Dreamcast didn't have a built in DVD player... but it was far too expensive in 1998. Things could have been rather different... but then again, Sega was in so much debt by 1999, even though the Dreamcast was doing quite well, there was nothing to be done against the Sony machine.


  1. Where have I seen this before? :o

    I always thought it to be really nice... and the thing is that it is written all over the console, even in the metal plate that supports the GD reading device. What a treat! :D

  2. Agreed. It is really nice - it's a nice little testimony to the console's history. It's shocking to think that it's 10 years old... the technology seems quite advanced inside...


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